Film Details

Runtime: 75 minutes

Language: In Spanish with English subtitles

Director: Flavio Florencio

Country: Mexico, 2015

Category: Documentary

Preceded By: Majesty Girls, Directed by: Veronica Robinson and David Lizz, USA, 9 minutes.


Morgana is a Mexican transgender opera singer with a relentless determination to fight against social stigma and family prejudice. Her dream is to have a sex reassignment surgery. Her only chance to make it happen is to win a beauty pageant in Bangkok and use the cash award to pay for the surgery. The documentary embarks on Morgana’s odyssey as she follows her dream of self-asserting the identity she has been struggling all her life to construct. Funny, sensitive and moving, Made in Bangkok is a delight, as Morgana is a great subject: charming, talented, charismatic, determined and vulnerable and a warmth that is contagious.

Preceded By: Majesty Girls, Directed by Veronica Robinson and David Lizz, USA, 9 minutes.

Filmmakers and Talent for Majesty Girls expected to be in attendance for a Q&A following the film.
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